Pike County Board of Supervisors $400,000.00.14 miles of 12-foot equestrian trails at the Flint Creek Waterpark facility including three bridges and two trail heads.Pedestrian improvements along Spec Wilson Boulevard from Carrol Gartin Boulevard to Central Avenue.

Construction of 5-foot sidewalks along Carver Drive, Dewey Avenue, West Street, Beach Avenue, Elm Street, S.-Remove existing sidewalks and roadway adjacent to Lloyd Hall and Elizabeth Hall and replace with new pathways, lighting and landscaping connecting to the existing Bear Bayou pathways.University of Southern Mississippi – Gulf Park $500,000.00.Installation of brick paver multi-use pathway, lighting and turnaround located on the south end of Forrest Avenue.University of Southern Mississippi $700,000.00.Sidewalk and pathway installation connecting Lakeside Walking Trail to the campus soccer facility and other campus buildings.Jones County Junior College $500,000.00.7,780-foot long concrete multi-use pathway that will begin at the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum and end near the cabins at Lake Walker.“These grants are crucial for these small towns, and we are grateful to Mississippi’s leadership for their continued support,” King said. MDOT provides project guidance and oversight but does not receive any portion of the funding. MDOT serves as a conduit for local governments to access federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act funds. These funds are a vital part of that relationship.” ”It ensures that we are not only improving safety for the traveling public, but we are also improving quality of life for local residents as well. “The relationship between MDOT and local municipalities is crucial to Mississippians,” said Commissioner Tom King, Southern Transportation District. LPA programs leverage local investments with federal funds for infrastructure improvements to enhance the quality of life for residents throughout Mississippi. The funds flow through the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) Local Public Agency (LPA) division. TA funds are federal transportation dollars that are for non-roadway types of improvements such as sidewalks, multiuse paths, pedestrian lighting and traffic relief. ( WHLT) - The Mississippi Transportation Commission recently announced $7 million in federal Transportation Alternatives (TA) projects for the Southern Transportation District.